Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Box

This was an interesting week at our house. Ethan wanted to paint so he had Isla hold a pineapple and an apple. The painting is hilarious! It's in my living room. Ethan sold it to me for the bargain price of 2 dollars. Isla loves to be in the kitchen so I thought I should take some pictures of her just in case she is on top chef one day!

Christmas Time


Ethan wanted me to put a picture of the mine on the blog. Ethan and Isla LOVE the snow!

Ethan is going to hate me when he's 4

Theses are some pics of our gingerbread house and Ethan has some funny looks here! What a silly guy. Unfortunately Isla found the frosting. She's a Hinckley!

How we "do" the winter

Islas skateboard!

               Isla fishing
This is what we do in the winter! Tea Parties, sword fighting, naps!

Two Month Hiatus

This is embarrasing. Two Months???? Guess I'd better get to work!

 Isla practicing yoga! She's making fun of me!
After our yoga! Don't we look happy and centered!