Friday, June 14, 2013

This is poop that I found on the back of the bathroom door. When I questioned Ethan about it he said, "I thought you would be proud of me because I didn't waste any toliet paper." Sheesh!

Monday, June 10, 2013

My baby is all grown up

Ethan graduated from preschool on Friday and they had a program. Ethan is quite the entertainer! He won an award for being such a character, that means that everyday his mother lets him wear his pirate, spiderman, batman, and knight costumes. His teachers get a big kick out of that!

Pics from Aaron's Ipod

Here are some cute pics I found on Aaron's ipod. So sweet!

Friday, June 7, 2013


 We swam most of the time. Here are some fun pics I took of the swimming pool at our first resort, Desert Inn.  They had AWESOME pools!


 Ethan, Aaron, and I went to Tournament of the Kings @ the Excalibur. IT WAS SO AWESOME! Ethan loved it!

 I had Aaron take my pic in front of the Tiffanys display @ the Bellagio

  The Conservatory Gardens @ the Bellagio

  Ethan and I in front of the Paris hotel

 Isla and dad watching the fountain. Isla loved the fountains, Ethan not so much. He wanted to go home and swim.

 I got the kids a Jamba Juice to share. It was about 110 degrees that day!!!

 Aaron and I shared a "grown up" Jamba Juice!

  On the fourth day Ethan threw up. I think he was really dehydrated. He layed in bed for one day and then was back to normal.

  They had cotton candy @ the Planet Hollywood buffet. Yum!!!

 We went and saw the Mob Attraction @ the Tropicana. It was really, really fun. It is part museum and part attraction. Our mission was given to us by a guy. Ethan's job was to take a letter to Big Tony (shown above) and if we ran into any cops we were to pretend like we didn't know the guy. Ethan told the cops the truth. It was really fun. The museum section was amazing. My children were like animals running all over the place. I would love to go back and look further at the artifacts they had. I would totally recommend this to anyone. It was a lot of fun!

  I read about a place called the Pinhall Hall of Fame and we decided to check it out. I think that Aaron would have happily spent the rest of his vacation there! They had tons of really fun old videogames.

 We visited Lieds Children Museum and the children loved it. It was a great activity to do during the day. Everyday we were there it was over a hundred degrees. Way too hot for my albino children.

 Ethan's favorite part of the museum was the Vet Clinic. I think he has found his calling in life. Being a doctor to stuffed animals. Move over Doc McStuffins, Ethan wants your job!

 This was a giant Lite Brite board. It brings back a lot of memories

  When my parents came we went to Bonnie Springs Ranch. It is a ghost town about twenty minutes from the strip. They had a petting zoo and some plays. We were there while they were having a hanging. Aaron was chosen from the audience to be the mans Defense Attorney.

 We went and visited Hoover Dam. It is beautiful! My mom thinks I'm a pessimist because I kept watching  and waiting for someone to jump over the side, it didn't happen. Bummer. They recently completed construction on a bridge above it. It was gorgeous!

  Isla playing in the shower
 The children interrupting Aaron's nap time.

 Isla and Grandma at the Chocolate factory. Very good, but super expensive!
 Our last day. We just hung out at the Splash Park in St. George.